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Imagination meets decades of lighting design experience. Our team of professional theatrical and architectural designers is infused with creative vision, fueled by imagination & fired with enthusiasm. Dynamic and real; drama is the hallmark of our work as we transform concepts into a visual fabric that is at once vibrant, compelling and entertaining.
The team at Available Light is devoted to both supporting the development of our profession and encouraging young people to consider a career in lighting design. To that end we created the Lemons Scholarship that is managed and awarded by the International Association of Lighting Designers. Promising lighting design students are awarded cash to help defray the cost of their education.
Lighting controls can create dynamic scenes, enable immersive environments, and save money. By manipulating dynamic color and intensity levels over time, lighting controls can dramatically enhance the built environment. Providing flexible concepts in the design brief means, as the project matures, the implementation of the intelligent control scenarios will evolve organically.

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