Sad Light Box, Light therapy box s for SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder Depression Winter Depression Winter Blue Light Box, Made in America. DISCLAIMER: Enviro-Med cannot offer medical advice or recommend which individuals should receive light therapy for seasonal affective disorder, winter blues or other conditions. We advise that light therapy for seasonal affective disorder or other conditions be prescribed by a physician or other qualified health care professional and duration and timing supervised by the same.
Sherrie Baxter, the company founder, is a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) sufferer and user of light therapy. Her knowledge and appreciation of light therapy is your guarantee of scientific integrity and consumer protection. Thirty years ago, I was a research subject in one of the original studies showing light therapy successfully treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the winter blues.
All Bio-Light models are scientifically calibrated to counteract the daylight deprivation of dark winters, shift work and indoor working conditions. Natural light normally regulates our internal biological clocks which control our alertness and energy. When dim indoor lighting, dark winters or shift work disrupt our body clocks, our bodies get out of sync, causing lethargy and moodiness.

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